Sniper fires at Lancaster sheriff's post, wounding MP


An armed man opened fire on the Lancaster Station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, making a deputy injured.

Someone fired into the heliports area of ​​the station and hit a deputy in the shoulder, authorities said. The deputy was taken to the hospital for a "sore" shoulder that did not put his life in danger.

"My deputy is in a stable state in a local hospital. He was hit by a bullet in the shoulder, "said Sheriff Alex Villaneuva.

Villanueva said the deputies had totally blocked the area and that they thought the shooter was content. The sheriff said the shot was coming from a considerable distance. We did not know how many shots had been fired.

Officials believe the suspect is in a four-story structure. MPs used binoculars to examine the building looking for a possible sniper and officers are placed nearby, while waiting for the SWAT team. Tactical units were deployed in Lancaster with armored vehicles on the Freeway.

Due to the anxiety aroused by the shootings of snipers, the deputies were asked to approach the area only from the west. The deputies rid the neighboring buildings, including a library and a complex of apartments.

According to a sheriff's department source, the gunman fired a high-speed rifle that hit the injured deputy.

The public was told to avoid the area.


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