Kelly's interview, Gayle King received the SNL treatment over the weekend and the video became viral. Leslie Jones portrayed the reporter and co-host of CBS This Morning who interviewed Robert Sylvester Kelly "R. Kelly "described by Kenan Thompson. Thompson had some work to do, R. Kelly's conversation with King elicited millions of points of view, while R. Kelly became excited, stood up, spoke over Gayle, shouted answers, declared his innocence, then became hysterical. he shouted that he was fighting for his life.
R. Kelly faces 10 counts of sexual assault and, if found guilty, could spend up to 70 years in prison.
The opening quickly began to distort R. Kelly's responses to Gayle King's interview.
"My lawyer was telling me no, but my ego – my ego was saying yes," said Kenan Thompson while he was playing R. Kelly.
Kenan Thompson did well describe the part and even stood up to R. Kelly 's real life picture as he started pacing during the interview.
You can watch the full SNL sketch describing R. Kelly in the video player below.
Have you followed the R. Kelly case? What did you think of the Saturday Night Live skit? Some notable people have shown that R. Kelly presented himself as a victim, how he started singing during his interview with Gayle King and that he had literacy problems.
During the Surviving R. Kelly documentary series, his ex-wife, Andrea "Drea" Kelly, revealed that part of their relationship was the link they created when she taught him to read.
Although R. Kelly has been jailed twice since the documentary, supporters of his community have released him on bail. The SNL skit also paid particular attention to the details of the initial interview, but one of the aspects that shocked people is when Kenan searched for hidden cameras and then announced, "You keep all your cameras like that?
The skit concluded with Kenan saying that he thought Gayle King was the "king of the prison", indicating that the reason he had done the interview was to score points with the prison king and hopefully, get out of the deal.
Do you think that Leslie Jones and Kenan Thompson did well to recreate the interview of R. Kelly / Gayle King?
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