'SNL' takes a sip of Starbucks Cup Gaffe 'Game Of Thrones' – Deadline


Saturday Night Live tonight did not miss his chance to participate in the biggest TV show – Game of thrones – but not on who could or might not take the iron throne. That's because a random cut Starbucks (or Starbucks-esque, anyway) that made its way into a scene from last week's episode, "The Last of the Starks," had a great impact bigger than any turn in the HBO series that wraps around its history.

SNL The last episode of the series was swept by a skit entitled "Wait a Second, It Should not Be There", in which Kyle Mooney starred in the host of a Turner parody show Classic Movies "where we look at the biggest mistakes of continuity in Hollywood's history."

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Scenes with mounting errors more and more obvious, first from the 2016 remake Roots at Shakespeare in love (Harvey Weinstein, the real producer of this Oscar, is the subject of a cry of surprise) and Downton Abbey, in which the Emma Smith animal, Maggie Smith, is wearing a beer helmet and ordering a Domino's pizza.

L & # 39; current Eu a misunderstanding occurred during the episode last week, the penultimate of the epic series, when the misplaced cup (supposed to be immediately Starbucks) appeared on a table in the Winterfell Great Hall about 17 minutes, while Tormund Giantsbane nibbles his friend Jon Snow in celebration of their victory over the king of the night. It's as well to see Daenerys Targaryen by Emilia Clarke sitting at the table watching the exchange.

For the record, HBO took the error in stride. "The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake," said the network in a statement. "Daenerys ordered an herbal tea."

HBO also said it will delete the error of all future episodes of the show. This poster NSYNC in Shakespeare in love However, it is another matter.

Watch the video above.


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