Snoop Dogg calls for Fox News' Laura Ingraham to be fired during Nipsey Hussle segment


Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham is invited to participate in a controversial debate on murdered rapper Nipsey Hussle.

In last week 's Ingraham broadcast – broadcast a day after the Hussle Memorial – she presented a segment on her legacy and sarcastically labeled Hussle "this dear artist".

Ingraham played part of the 2016 "FDT" song, recorded by rapper YG and starring Hussle, which includes the chorus "F —, Donald Trump".

"OK, it's a very creative chorus," Ingraham said. "The chorus that continues, is this tied to the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded, essentially, for African Americans?"

In response, some critics, including The Game, Snoop Dogg and T.I., call for a boycott.

The game said that Fox News should dismiss the host or "lose millions of viewers".

"We are no longer silent while you continually neglect our brother, the African-American culture as a whole," wrote The Game on Instagram. "I will use my platform and I will call my peers to do the same." The passage of Nips nor his legacy should be taken lightly because there will be consequences for any lack of respect now or in the future as long as I have a voice !!! "

Snoop Dogg, who spoke at Nipsey's public memorial service last week, commented "I'm partisan" on the game's message.

T.I posted the same clip, the caller "disgusting".

"My expectations have already dropped so much for humanity in the last two weeks that it has not surprised me much," he said.

Hussle was shot dead on March 31 in Los Angeles in front of a clothing store that he owned. The rapper was known not only for his music, but also for his contributions to his community.

Ingraham was the subject of an advertising boycott in 2018 for being mocked by a Parkland survivor. She apologized later.

Fox News has not responded to CNN's request to comment on the controversy.


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