Snoop Dogg Rage quits on Twitch and forgets to turn off streaming


Twitch viewers had a blast after Snoop Dogg’s rage stopped during a live broadcast, but forgot to mute his stream for more than seven hours.

Snoop is as close to a living musical legend as he gets, and he’s also become a big name on Twitch, broadcasting and even hosting events in his spare time.

Without a doubt, his favorite game to play is EA’s Madden series, but like most sports games, there’s a lot of potential for some tilt to happen, as the rapper first discovered. hand.

Snoop dogg
Snoop Dogg / Instagram

Snoop might be an OG, but that’s not enough to keep you from raging in the games.

After kicking off his stream for a bit of Madden on February 28, Snoop found himself at 14 and – it didn’t look like he was going to stage a miraculous comeback anytime soon.

After his opponent scored a third touchdown to make matters 21-0, The Doggfather had seen enough of his team get destroyed, shut down his console and blame the poor performance in part on the room he was playing in.

“Holy shit, I came into this room and it all went wrong,” he yelled before getting up and leaving. “Holy shit.”

The console may have been turned off, but Snoop forgot one important thing: turn off his stream, too. As a result, while he was going to do whatever Snoop Dogg did on the weekends, the stream continued to broadcast his empty room for over seven full hours.

There are some parts of the show’s VOD where viewers can briefly hear people talking and music playing in the background, but it was mostly dead air and an open chatroom … until for Snoop to come back later, maybe after a few gin and juice, to finally turn it off.

It’s a little embarrassing for anyone to have a broadcast incident like this happen, but the good news for Snoopy Dogg is that the clip of his quickly leaving rage racked up over 100,000 views, and his AFK feed was a great way to supplement them. total broadcast hours »channel statistics. We see you big dogg.


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