Snubbed Child Burns in Adulthood – The Denver Post


Dear Amy: I am a former foster child. In adulthood, I moved away from my toxic family at 1,500 miles.

I was friendly with my maternal aunt, with whom I lived in the short term during my adolescence.

I am now in my early forties. She has been asking me for 10 years to go to a resort in the Midwest (four hours drive to her) to familiarize our families (my child, grandchildren).

I made the jump and bought plane tickets in January for a five day visit with my aunt, daughter and grandchildren.

She offered to pay a hotel for us, which is out of place.

We are now close to the date of the visit so I checked with her. She told me that because of her busy schedule, she could only spend a day and a half on her visit, not to mention paying hotel fees.

I sent him an email to tell him that I understood the busy schedules, but I feel that I'm not important and it's a big job to make this trip, BUT I'm going to make the most of it and get a cheap motel (I can not afford it's staying at the hotel). Now there is no answer (the cold shoulder is used to control situations on this side of my family).

What would you do? Call her? Drop it and just have a vacation with my family? I feel like I should have known better.

– burned again

Dear burned again: Yes, you should call him. You've already started your work: "I think I'm not important, BUT I'm going to make the most of it."

These are not the words of anyone who is really ready to make the most of them. And I do not blame you a little.


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