Some baby gifts offered to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle technically belong to the Queen – here's why


While Prince Harry and Meghan Markle look forward to the arrival of their firstborn, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have already received many gifts for their future king.

However, the gifts that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle receive for their children while on official service do not belong to them technically. Discover why, to come.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | CHRIS JACKSON / AFP / Getty Images

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle baby gifts

Whether before or after the baby arrives – or even once their child is a little older – Prince Harry and Meghan Markle apparently could not keep the gifts offered by world leaders, fans or d & rsquo; Other supporters while representing the Queen on official mission. According to the royal rules, all gifts given to members of the royal family as part of their official duties are accepted in the name of the Queen. technically owns the items.

However, his majesty is not terrible and would never take a gift from his family members, let alone his great-granddaughter. In addition, there are other logistical reasons why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would not be allowed to keep some Baby Sussex gifts.

Donation protocol of the royal family

It is understandable that the royal family applies a strict protocol regarding gifts, especially when it comes to accepting gifts from the public.

According to the guidelines for royal family gifts, "there are concerns about the suitability or motives of the donor or the gift itself." This means that if a member of the royal family receives a gift, the Royal Family Security Team looks at it carefully first. Once determined safe, the royals could accept the gift, provided it is less than $ 200. If they can not use the accepted gift, they could give it to a charity or possibly throw it away.

That said, if a king accepts a gift from a world leader, the circumstances are a little different. Depending on the item, some of the gifts offered to them while on duty may be stored (if a king can not use them). But to avoid storage costs, a group of representatives of the Royal Collection and a prominent member of the Royal Family review the collection each year and decide what to keep, what to borrow, to donate, and what to get rid of.

See this post on Instagram

Just a week ago, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex asked you to kindly support various organizations around the world instead of sending gifts for the upcoming arrival of their firstborn. Not only have many of you supported, you have acted. Their Royal Highnesses asked you to know the impact of your support – the direct effect of your donation, your energy and the actions taken! YOU chose to be part of the public good and you really changed things. That it is a gift of 5 dollars, a contribution of 1,000 pounds, an offer of volunteer work or dissemination of information, you played your part. And in the name of the Duke and Duchess (and Baby Sussex), we thank you very much. YOUR IMPACT: @thelunchboxfund will now be able to provide a minimum of 100,000 extra hot, nutritionally enriched meals to children in need in South Africa. @Littlevillagehq has received donations from around the world (from the United Arab Emirates to Hong Kong and the United States). We have increased the number of their monthly donors, increased the number of volunteer applications, and resuscitated their team of more than 200 hard-working employees and volunteers. @wellchild can now provide more than 300 additional hours of specialized care from a healthy nurse to a critically ill child. Need for families to stay together at home vs at the hospital @ Baby2Baby has received more than 5,000 products to distribute to children in need including cradles, books, backpacks, diapers and Silver donations from around the world – from Guadalajara to Italy. You did that happen. Thank you.

A post shared by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

If the Duke and Duchess can not use a gift given to a royal baby by a world leader, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will likely give the article to a proper charity. In addition, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have already asked in advance that, instead of making gifts, the public is considering donating to charities that are important to him. According to an article published earlier this week, their application has raised funds and items for Baby2Baby, Well Child, The Lunchbox Fund and Little HQ.

Addressing the issue of public gifts in advance not only allows you to spend less time sorting out items for security reasons, but also to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to enjoy this exciting time of their lives to convey a little love to organizations and inspire their fans to give back to their communities.

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