Some of your Pokemon will not be transferred to "Sword". and & # 39; Shield & # 39;


Masuda explained it as a virtue of logistical challenges. There are more than 800 species of Pokémon in the game, and the Switch hardware is powerful enough to be truly distinctive. It has made it much more difficult to introduce these other creatures in time to be released, while maintaining a consistent level of quality, not to mention keeping the combat gameplay in balance. The team spoke of multiple options and decided that the best option was to limit imports to Galar characters.

This is bad news for the players who have carefully cultivated their Pokédex over the years. To a certain extent, however, GameFreak recognizes a technical reality in the modern game. Now that consoles can handle very detailed characters with such complex gameplay mechanics, importing older content is not just about extracting graphics and some statistics. Do not be shocked if other game studios do the same.


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