Someone bet $ 99,000 on the Packers to beat the Jaguars, at odds of -1100



The Packers seem to be a sure thing this weekend. At least one bettor thinks so.

According to’s David Purdum, someone placed a bet of $ 99,000 on the Packers to beat the Jaguars with sportsbook William Hill in Nevada. With odds of -1100, the bet will only pay off $ 9,000 if the Packers win.

It could be the easiest $ 9,000 for the bettor to win. Or it could be a well-learned lesson that, as a wise man has said over and over, “This is what they play the games for.”

The weather could be a factor Sunday, with a high of 44 degrees, ran in the forecast, sustained winds in the order of 25 miles per hour and gusts in the mid-1930s. There is also a chance that the Packers choose Sunday to be one of those days they just don’t have it.

This is obviously unlikely, as the odds indicate. Still, if the game ends within about eight points, the $ 9,000 may not be worth the anxiety the bettor will have felt. And if the Jaguars win one way or another, well, there is money the punter could have done a lot of good with.

But in America, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness includes the ability to make bad decisions. Come on Sunday, we’ll see if it’s one of them. Winning or losing is already as if it were.


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