Someone defeated Sekiro: the shadows die twice with the help of Donkey Kong bongos



Is rhythm in you, Wolf?

By Colin Stevens

While most have enough difficulty crossing Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice with a standard controller, a daring individual has managed to beat the game using Donkey Kong Bongos.

ATwerkinYoshi, known for using weird controllers in his games, posted a video showing that he was beating the last boss of Sekiro with two games of DK Bongos on Reddit. His race in the DK Bongo would have taken 10 hours, with 131 total resurrections and 31 deaths in the hands of the last boss of the game.

At the beginning of this rhythmic race, ATWerkinYoshi posted a series of images on Imgur showing his installations DK Bongo Sekiro. He modified the bongos to work with the game, a pair playing mainly the role of his directional entry and the other mainly used for attacks and parry. He had to sacrifice camera controls to make the configuration difficult, which he thought made it difficult to see above or below him. Considering that he managed to beat the entire game that way, he seems to have paid off.

One of the reasons he did this trick was to test his theory that Sekiro is just a "very hard rhythm game". According to his Twitch page, he has also already played in other games, including Dark Souls 3, some Super Smash games. Bros. Ultimate, and more.

The DK Bongos were created for the Nintendo GameCube Donkey Konga rhythm game and include two drums and a microphone to detect applause. The special controller is also compatible with Donkey Konga 2 and the Japanese Donkey Konga 3, as well as with the Donkey Kong Jungle Beat platform game.

If you have difficulty beating Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice with a normal control pattern, check out our guide to the latest game boss, as well as the locations of the prayer beads.

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Colin Stevens is an editor for IGN. He tried to beat the last boss of Sekrio dozens of times … with a DualShock 4. Follow him on Twitter.


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