Someone has read our dream journals – Cadbury has just announced that they are hiring professional chocolate tasters


Finally! We all found our call!

Listen, it's hard to find decent jobs in today's economy. More and more concerts are entrusted to AI and robots, and according to some experts, there will soon be a lot of work!

But in the meantime, you have to stay open minded because you never know when your dream job will appear from nowhere!

And if you just make fun of it and say, "LOL yes, I know when and the answer is" never, "then treat yourself with your eyes:

Yes, it's true. You can literally make a living by eating chocolate all day, as you already do, except in exchange for money. And it's a job that a robot can not take!

Cadbury's parent company Mondelez, which also owns Oreo, Milka and Green & Blacks, is recruiting four people to join its chocolate tasting team. No experience is necessary. All it takes is "a passion for confectionery" and "taste buds for detection", which does not even know what it means, but we've all pretended to summarize our resume from everything this time, no?

However, you will have to face "choco challenges", where you will be asked to detail the subtleties of taste in various chocolates. But if you've ever done, say, a bullshi ** through a wine tasting like, "Mmm yes, I'm starting to have old berries fossilized in amber and the slightest hint of the bones of the sparrows buried in from Pompei, "you can certainly do this work.

But judging by the response of social media, you will have a lot of competition!

Whatever it is, download your app now because the last time Cadbury did it, it received 1,500 apps in 24 hours and became the 5th most viewed post on LinkedIn. Go Go go!!!


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