Sonic producer says "fans will be thrilled" with new design


It was the conversation on the Internet … and not in a good way. Character design for future director Jeff Fowler Sonic the hedgehog The film for Paramount encountered vocal negativity from a considerable number of people online, sending the team back to the drawing board.

This week, executive producer Tim Miller was asked about the progress made in retooling, and he seemed rather optimistic. In particular, he says he saw the new design and thinks "fans will be delighted". This is a major advance compared to before, when the full trailer and the first images were so badly received that Fowler chose to change the release date and try again:

Miller thinks that Fowler handled the situation perfectly and that the couple was apparently in agreement with the fans' concerns. "When stupidity hit the fan, I went over there and said:" The most important thing to do, man, is to say, "I'm not sure. I screwed up the mess. "He had already tweeted an hour before I arrived." Miller also believes that fans deserve to have a say in the situation and, in regards to their decision, he says, "There is a good way to listen. "

No official announcement has yet been made to determine who is responsible for the new character models. Sonic fans believe it could be Tyson Hesse, who illustrated Sonic comics for IDW and Archie Comics, as well as cut scenes and a web series for 2017 Sonic Mania. The evidence comes from the similarity between the date announcement image and the Hesse artistic style, as well as this wordless article from the day the Fowler tweet was published referring to the now legendary confirmation of Tony Stark that he is Iron Man:

Surely, this could just be an admission that he drew the art for the ad and nothing else … or it could just be a bit of a drag. No one, not even Hesse, has been officially linked to retooling, and it seems that Sonic's new look is being kept a secret a little longer. We will have to wait and see if Miller's hypothesis sounds right.

Source: Variety


Kara Dennison is a writer, editor and interviewer with VRV, We are cult, Fanbyte, and much more. She is also a co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of the series of luminous novels OEL Owl flower. Kara blogs to and tweets @RubyCosmos.


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