Sony hints at PlayStation VR 2 on PS5


Sony made a big leap forward for virtual reality in the days of previous consoles, but the company has been particularly quiet about the future of technology on PlayStation 5. In a new Japanese interview, Hideaki Nishino, vice-president Sony’s senior president, global product strategy and management, hints at the company’s future plans. In the interview, Nishino seems to refrain from saying anything too concrete, but he does bring up the idea of ​​having an experience that matches the next-gen console. Whether or not this might take the form of a new device designed for the PS5 remains to be seen, but it certainly sounds intriguing!

A translation of Nishino’s comments can be found in @Nibellion’s Tweet embedded below.

It will be interesting to see whether or not Sony pursues a new VR headset for the PS5. PSVR debuted in 2016, and although it received strong support from Sony, the technology remains quite niche. Companies like Facebook have invested heavily in virtual reality, but game companies like Nintendo and Microsoft have been hesitant to embrace the concept. The price of VR gear is just one of the potential hurdles for new users, and it remains to be seen whether or not PlayStation fans will embrace a new model designed to work specifically with the PS5. This is a heavy financial commitment in addition to the cost of the console itself!

Fans will have to wait and see what will be revealed by Sony. Nishino may be hinting at a possible hardware upgrade, but it’s entirely possible that a decision has yet to be made by the company. The PS5 supports the current PSVR model and fans can enjoy most of the games compatible with the hardware; a few, however, have made the list of games that don’t work on the console, which you can find here. For now, VR and PlayStation fans will have to make do with what’s currently available!

Do you want to see a new PlayStation VR headset on PS5? Is this something you would use? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk about everything related to the game!


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