Sony officially stopped producing PS Vita


The PlayStation Vita is officially over. Sony has announced the end of production on the last two models of the portable game console on the Vita product page (via Polygon).

Launched in 2011, the Vita has never really conquered the world, victim of increased competition for smartphone applications, having sold only 16.1 million units, far from the PlayStation Portable that preceded it and the Nintendo switch that followed.

Writing has long been on the wall of the Vita – while a fun and offbeat platform for independent games, the public and major publishers just did not keep up with the pace of this device. Sony said that it would end the production of the device in 2019 and that he was not planning to release another handheld device after his departure, nor the production of the cards Physical play of the device at the end of the year 2018. year – March 31, 2019.


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