Sony: PlayStation exclusives may require more extensive installation base


Shawn Layden PlayStation Exclusives on PS4 1

Sony acquired Insomniac Games, developer of Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank, of Marvel, and added this famous studio to its portfolio of proprietary teams. This will definitely strengthen the exclusive software library on the PlayStation 4 and 5, but when talking to Bloomberg, the boss, Shawn Layden, hinted that we could see more multi-format versions of the Japanese giant moving forward.

"We have to support the PlayStation platform – it's not negotiable," he said. "Having said that, you will see some titles from my studio collection in the future that may have to rely on a larger installed base."

The executive was talking mostly about multiplayer titles, which the platform owner admitted to doing more. We assume that the insinuation here is that in order to compete with behemoths like Fortnite, you have to publish your titles everywhere. Are we moving towards a future without material boundaries?


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