Sony shares some details on the PlayStation 5 – TechCrunch


The lead architect of PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, Mark Cerny, gave a long interview to Peter Rubin of Wired and gave him some details about Sony's next generation console, the console probably called PlayStation 5.

The next PlayStation will be based on an AMD architecture, as will the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 4 Pro. The custom processor will be based on the third-generation AMD Ryzen processor line. It will have eight cores of 7 nm.

As for the GPU, Sony plans to use a customized version of AMD Radeon's Navi GPUs. While AMD is expected to unveil this new generation of GPUs in the coming months, Cerny says the next-generation PlayStation GPU will support ray tracing.

These chips should also lead to a jump in audio performance. You can expect better 3D audio support if you have a set of speakers or headphones that support this stuff.

The PlayStation 5 will also come with SSD hard drives by default. This is a key differentiator between PC games and console games. The rotation of the hard drives leads to endless loading screens.

Choosing an SSD changes everything. For example, Cerny says that fast moves in Spider-Man on a PlayStation 4 Pro take about 15 seconds, while it takes less than a second on a next-generation PlayStation development kit.

In terms of hardware, Cerny also said that the PlayStation 5 will have a BluRay player to play the physical games. And you can also play PlayStation 4 games on the new console.

Based on the interview, it is unclear whether Sony wants to launch a second-generation PlayStation VR headset. But if you have already bought a VR headset, it will be compatible with the future PlayStation.

Sony ignores E3 this year, which means we will not hear about the PlayStation 5 before long. The company will probably launch the new console in 2020.


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