Sony to lose PS5 exclusive Deathloop in September 2022


A cartoon illustration of the main Deathloop characters fighting each other.

Picture: Bethesda / Arkane

Death loop is one of the few big PlayStation 5 exclusives to release this year, but it was never going to stay solely on Sony’s next-gen console. We now know exactly when its exclusivity period ends: September 14, 2022.

In the last Death loop trailer, which first appeared at Sony’s recent “State of Play” aired on July 8, a very brief and easy-to-miss text at the end of the video officially revealed that Death loop will only be a PS5 exclusive console for one year. After September 14, 2022, the game may appear on other consoles. (Something to remember: Death loop was always planned to be released on PC at launch.) It’s not hard to guess what “other consoles” means in this context.

Death loop is published by Bethesda and developed by Arkane, two companies now owned by Xbox. From the way Microsoft handles proprietary games, it’s very likely that soon after The Death Loop the exclusivity deal is over, it will head to Gamepass for Xbox Series X / S.

First announced at E3 2019, Death loop is the next game of Dishonored Arkane Studios developers. When it was first revealed, no platform was mentioned. But the the next year we learned that Death loop and another PS5 game released by Bethesda, Ghostwire Tokyo, would be timed exclusives. Of course, the question was how long would that window last.

Things got complicated when Microsoft finalized its purchase of Bethesda earlier this year, But. Xbox boss Phil Spencer has confirmed that Microsoft and Xbox will honor all of Bethesda’s current contracts with other companies. Yet one of the biggest PS5 exclusives was a exclusive timed developed by an Xbox studio. This even led to the Xbox official Twitter account promoting a PlayStation event yesterday. Strange times, folks.

Losing a console exclusive isn’t always a big deal. But seen how some really new generation games there is at this moment, finally lose Death loop (in addition to losing the fall of god) is not great for Sony, which has to convince people to spend money on a new machine. The best way to do this has usually been fancy new exclusive games. But with big Sony titles like Horizon: West prohibited and others arrives on PS5 and PS4, it’s hard to explain why someone even needs to buy a new console right now. (Assuming you can even find one.)

Microsoft arguably does the worst job at producing next-gen hits, with essentially zero new, exclusive next-gen Xbox games and not much to come. (One of the few, The way, will be released on PS5 in September.) Even the next big Halo come to Xbox one in addition to the X / S series. But Microsoft has also started to focus on Game Pass and bring Xbox to more platforms like phones, making it less dependent on it. huge exclusives. Sony needs it more than ever as news from indie developers is turned upside down the business continues to grow and more and more new generation games are delayed.

Of course, until you can easily buy either next-gen console or the other, for most people none of that matters. And now that it becomes almost impossible to even buy machines of the current generation, like the PS4 Pro, it looks like most people, not just Sony, will miss out on some great console exclusive games.


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