Sophie Turner promises never to work in anti-abortion states and receives questions about where "Game of Thrones" was filmed


The Hollywood boycott of states with highly restrictive abortion laws continues to grow, with dozens of well-known stars embarking on a pro-life boycott, promising not to work in states like Georgia that have passed "beating their hearts" bills prohibiting abortion after the detection of a heartbeat. But some of these stars are likely to want to film in countries where abortion laws are even stricter than those states that they are now boycotting.

Jessica Chastain and Sophie Turner are also part of the boycott movement co-starring in X-Men's upcoming film "Dark Phoenix". In an interview with Sky News published Wednesday, Chastain and Turner announced that they had both signed a letter with dozens of their colleagues pledging to boycott pro-life states.

"I signed a letter saying that I would not work in any state that would deny rights to women, to the LGBTQ community, to anyone," Chastain told Sky News. "I will not work in a discriminating state."

"I signed it too," said Turner. "I have not told my agents yet that I signed it, they will say to themselves," What? You can not work in these states? "Yes, I can not work in these states."

Turner was then questioned about her willingness to work for years on "Game of Thrones", much of which was filmed in Northern Ireland – "where women can face life imprisonment for aborting a pregnancy" , Sky News notes.

Turner did not try to reconcile the conflict; instead, she simply expressed her relief that the series was over. "There was a lot of work on Game Of Thrones," so luckily we're moving forward, "she said.

The boycott movement would have a particular impact on Georgia, which has become the third largest film-producing state in the country and has generated some $ 2.7 billion in direct revenues from the film industry. ;last year. With three other states, including Alabama, Georgia recently passed a law protecting unborn children from abortion when a heartbeat is detectable, which may take six weeks only after the early pregnancy

The pro-life state boycott movement is gaining momentum, with the help of Netflix, Disney, NBCUniversal, CBS, Showtime and WarnerMedia, all of whom have threatened to take action against the states limiting abortion. But, like Turner, some of these companies are facing embarrassing questions about their willingness to shoot in places where abortion laws are extremely restrictive.

As The Daily Wire reports, Netflix is ​​particularly struck: "The very week that Netflix was threatening Georgia, the company started working on its third Arabic original," Paranormal ", which will of course be produced in Egypt. Netflix's original films are shot in the Middle East, two of which are produced in Jordan – "Jinn" and "Al Rawabi School for Girls." "Jordan (where parts of" Aladdin "were filmed) limits abortion almost all cases except where the life or mental health of the mother is in danger; those who violate the law risk imprisonment. Similarly, Egypt prohibits abortion in almost all cases.

Related: Hypocrites: Netflix movies in Middle East countries threaten Georgia against the law on abortion


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