Sophie Turner says she considered suicide a criticism of Game of Thrones


Sophie Turner, New York Comic Con 2018

Dave Allocca / StarPix / REX / Shutterstock

Sophie Turner opens on the impact of celebrity on mental health.

The fans first knew the British as a young Sansa Stark when Game of thrones was created in 2011, which made her famous as a teenager. However, the rise of popularity has a price, says the 23-year-old.

In an interview with Dr. Philon his podcast, Phil in the whites, the actress reveals that negative comments about her character on social media have resulted in a decline in her mental health. "I would just believe it, I would say," Yes, I am irregular. I am fat. I am a bad actress. "I would just believe it. [the costume department] to stretch my corset a lot. I became very very conscious of myself, "she explains to the host.

Eventually, these feelings of insecurity led to symptoms of depression, such as the desire to isolate and a lack of motivation, which happened "all of a sudden". The feeling of isolation was compounded by the fact that she chose a career rather than going to university, along with her friends and her two brothers .

She explains, "I had no motivation to do anything or go out, even with my best friends, I would not want to see them, I would not go out and eat with them."

Sophie adds: "I just want to cry and cry and cry so that I will not be changed and dressed in clothes and be like:" I can not do that. I can not go out. I have nothing that I want to do. "

These problems persist until today. "It's been five or six years since I've been depressed, the biggest challenge for me is getting out of bed and out of the house, learning to love yourself is the biggest challenge," admits she.

Although her mental health issues are significant since she was about 17 years old, the star says she does not think she's able to hurt herself. "It's weird, I say I was not very depressed when I was younger, but I often thought of suicide when I was younger." I do not know why, " Game of thrones star explains. "Maybe it's just a strange fascination that I had, but yes, I thought about it … I do not think I would have ever experienced that." I do not know. "

The actress finally asked for therapy and treatment, which allowed her to "feel a lot better". She shares: "I think I take medicine and I love it now, or more than I liked it."

In addition, the star says that she is taking a break from the world of acting now that the last season of Game of thrones is making the shoot. The only plans that Joe Jonas"The future bride takes this time to" focus "on what is" more important "to her: mental health.

If you or someone you know needs help call the National Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).


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