Sophie Turner says she considers suicide a criticism of Game of Thrones


Sophie Turner said that her fame "Game of Thrones" had negatively affected her while growing up in front of millions of viewers.

"I was so in love with [working on ‘Game of Thrones’] … I could not believe I was going to get paid for it … Everything was amazing, it only started going downhill, I think when I started hitting puberty and really at 17 and that my metabolism was slowing down a lot and I was gaining weight, "Turner told Dr. Phil on his podcast, adding," And there was scrutiny of social media and everything, and that's when that it hit me.

Turner, 23, said she suffered from depression "for about five or six years."

"The biggest challenge for me is just getting out of bed and out of the house, and learning to love yourself is the biggest challenge in my opinion," she explained.

When his friends all went to college, Turner stayed home to continue working on HBO's hit series. The combination of home life with her parents, her friends' school attendance and the rise of social media, however, made her feel "alone".

"I had no motivation to do anything or go out," explained Turner. Even with my best friends … I would cry and cry and cry.

Finally, Turner's depression became too strong and she began to consider ending everything.

"It's strange, I say I was not very depressed when I was younger, but I thought about suicide a lot when I was younger, I do not know why, though," Turner explained. "It may be a strange fascination I had, but yes, I was thinking about it, I do not think I would ever have, I do not know."

Turner said she was "much better" after taking treatment and taking medication.

"I love myself now or more than before," she revealed. "I do not think I like it at all, but I'm now with someone." [fiancé Joe Jonas] which makes me understand that I have qualities that redeem me, I suppose.


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