Sophie Turner wedding ring pictures


  • Sophie Turner has just shown the new alliance she was wearing after her wedding with Joe Jonas last weekend.
  • Sophie and Joe were married in France in front of their family and friends, including celebrities such as Maisie Williams and model Ashley Graham.

    ICYMI (what lol, who are you?) Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas were married in France last weekend – and their wedding included their dog Porky Basquiat in the role of the honor boy, who was super cute. But it was actually the second time that these two crazy lovers were liguaient at the knot – remember that in early May, Joe and Sophie had also decided to get married in Las Vegas to make the official things to United States before flying for their trip. more traditional French wedding.

    At their wedding ceremony in Vegas, Joe and Sophie were married by an Elvis impersonator and traded alliances instead of real wedding rings, which was adorable, but obviously not how things unfolded on the Last weekend. While Joe and Sophie have not yet revealed much about their marriage, Sophie unveiled her new alliance in an Insta story she published yesterday from her honeymoon. She talks about the FIFA Women's World Cup and congratulates Alex Morgan of the US team for her victory over England, but I know you're probably not there for them. sports comments. Here is a picture of Sophie's new alliance, which looks like there are diamonds all around:


    You can also see what the ring looks like in this shot:


    For context, back in 2017, Joe suggested to Sophie with this massive engagement ring, which looks bigger and brighter when she is stacked on her new wedding ring:

    Definitely an update of the candy pop ring!


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