Sorcerers brandishing Sledgehammer earn $ 300,000 in merchandise from two Apple stores


Six people entered two Australian Apple Store early this morning, earning nearly $ 300,000 in products. According to an article posted on Facebook by the West Australian police, the group reportedly used a pestle hammer to enter the two stores.

The first attempt was a failure. After breaking the front window to be able to enter, the group escaped due to the presence of a taxi nearby. "We know that the taxi's presence forced the group to flee the scene," said Chief Constable Matt Whelan.

40 minutes later, the group tried again in another store. This time they threatened a security guard before entering with mass and fleeing with $ 300,000 worth of Apple products, mostly iPhones.

Unfortunately for the thieves, Apple quickly tinkered the devices, rendering them unusable. "The manufacturer knows which phones have been stolen and that security measures will be activated, which means these phones are useless," Det. Said Whelan. "We want the public not to spend their hard-earned money on items that do not work.

The police also released a video surveillance of the event. You can check it below.

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