Sources – MLB Agreement Includes $ 1 Million Derby HR Bonus


A single deadline for exchanges, a Star Match election day and a $ 1 million bonus for the Home Run Derby winner will be set up in 2019 – while a Minimum of three batters for pitchers and the extension of the lineup will be held in 2020 – in the framework Major League Baseball and the MLB Players Association are expected to announce their release Thursday, said sources close to the 39; agreement.

Stimulated by the discord in labor relations within a second consecutive market of free agents that left players disappointed, mid-collective bargaining negotiations represent a step forward between two parties that have quarreled publicly and privately. The most important element of the deal may not be the elimination of August dealings, the adjustment of the starter's selections of the game, or the incentive of the stars to participate in the derby, the eliminating single raises or adding a 26th player next year. This is the provision that the parties will start discussing labor issues imminently, much earlier than with a collective agreement that does not expire until December 2021.

These discussions, sources told ESPN, will focus on the most fundamental economic principles of the game – not only free will, but also other macroeconomic issues with far-reaching consequences. Trading on the distribution of income could be the most difficult gap to fill, with teams clearly reducing spending on older players, while players blame those over the age of 30 for failing to live up to the challenge. past transactions. While a compromise could be found by distributing more money to young players than the current system underpays, the resulting complications deserve a long track for the discussions.

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Other topics to be addressed include the manipulation of the service time that allows for the start of a minor league season, the luxury taxation threshold, which some say discourages spending, and the collection of biometric data that has become commonplace among major league teams. . Although the incentive is strong to repair the cracks in the relationship – and perhaps even to extend the current collective agreement, which guaranteed more than 25 years of labor peace with more than $ 10 billion of industry revenues – this would require a significant trade-off. on both sides. The prospect of an internal division in one or other of the parties is also palpable, whether it is young and old players or owners in large and small markets.

Commissioner Rob Manfred and union executive director Tony Clark, however, expressed their optimism after the conclusion of the last negotiation by an agreement. Although the union did not officially join at least three MLB-requested batters, he agreed not to challenge the league's plan to implement it by 2020, sources told ESPN. The MLB had the same ability to set up a pitcher's clock this season, but presented it as part of the deal, according to sources, hoping that fewer launcher changes would be created – and that Pauses in the heat are reduced, which now leaves the locals two minutes. and the national games, according to the contract – will speed up the games.

What will be put in place this summer, these are only one deadline for exchanges on July 31, an election day and, both parties hope, a Home Run Derby with the biggest stars of the game. The contracts concluded after the deadline of non-waiver have made August a home for incremental upgrades by the teams. The union hopes that their elimination will ensure that teams will be more aggressive during the off season, knowing that the alternative for contracts in the month of August is no longer an option.

Although the consequences of the trading deadline are not known, the impact of an election day is clear: the MLB is giving itself the much needed opportunity to market its players. Fans will vote online for starters from the All-Star program, and the top three winners will participate in a one-day election, which could result in a crowd of smart election enthusiasts, alike. media engagement in social media and personalities demonstrations.

This will end with a week of stars that will include a Home Run derby with $ 2.5 million prize money, including $ 1 million for the winner, according to sources.

The 2020 provisions are likely to have a much greater impact on the ground. In addition to the minimum of three batters, regular season lineups will increase from 25 to 26 players, while September lineups will be reduced to a maximum of 28. A committee between the two teams that will study the match should make recommendations on the maximum number of players. authorized launchers on the lists, said a source to ESPN. During the negotiations, the league proposed 13 during the first five months of the season and 14 in September.

The number of pitching players could also see a significant decrease. Under the agreement, players will be designated as either positional players or pitchers – with the exception of those who throw more than 20 innings and start 20 games on the field or at DH, who will be players in double meaning. Players in position will only be allowed to throw in extra innings or when their team is ahead or behind by more than seven points.


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