Sources – Philadelphia Eagles to interview Brandon Staley of Los Angeles DC Rams for head coach position


Los Angeles Rams defensive coordinator Brandon Staley, who awaits the Green Bay Packers in Saturday’s divisional playoffs, also has the Philadelphia Eagles waiting for him at the end of this season, according to league sources.

The Eagles have already been given permission to interview Staley at the appropriate time, which could be as early as Sunday if the Rams don’t move forward, sources say. Staley will join the list of head coach candidates that the Eagles are already considering as they have spent their week conducting interviews.

The Eagles are drawn to Staley and the reputation he built during his year as Sean McVay’s defensive coordinator in Los Angeles, as well as the skills he demonstrated in Denver under the direction of the Broncos head coach Vic Fangio.

The Eagles aren’t the only team interested in Staley. The Houston Texans have also been granted permission to interview Staley, and there’s a link there.

Staley was a coach at John Carroll University, where new Texans general manager Nick Caserio also attended. The two have a strong relationship and maybe Caserio’s presence could help lure Staley to Houston.

But the Eagles want to speak with Staley; they made it known. He is one of their top candidates and, depending on what happens on Saturday, may have the opportunity to meet up with the NFC East team soon as they seek to fill the head coach position they have created. last week by firing Doug Pederson.


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