Space Force troops will be called ‘Guardians’


The one-year-old Space Force military will be called “guardians,” Vice President Pence said on Friday.

“I have the honor, on behalf of the President of the United States, to announce that henceforth the men and women of the United States Space Force will be known as Guardians,” Pence said during a ceremony at the House. White marking the first anniversary of the service.

“Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen, Marines and Guardians will defend our nation for generations to come,” he added. “On behalf of your Commander-in-Chief, allow me to urge each of you Guardians to keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing forward the vision and mission of the United States Space Force, which is to to keep America as dominant in space … as we are on land, at sea and in the air.

In a tweet after the ceremony, Space Force said the name was chosen after receiving “hundreds” of suggestions and conducting research with space professionals and the general public.

The name is reminiscent of Air Force Space Command’s original 1983 motto, “Guardians of the High Frontier,” the Space Force added in a press release.

The Space Force was established as the sixth branch of the military with President TrumpDonald Trump Jill Biden: The doctorate is one of the things I’m ‘most proud of’ Azar tells Department of Health staff his wife has COVID-19: ‘Mild symptoms, but it’s okay good ” Michigan reinstates pandemic moratorium on water cuts MOREthe signing of the annual defense policy bill on December 20, 2019.

Its creation has fulfilled a top priority for Trump since he first pitched the idea in 2018 and has made it a reliable line of applause at his campaign rallies.

Although Trump coined the name Space Force, the idea of ​​a separate branch of the military for space originated in 2017 from a bipartisan house idea.

The new service aims to protect US assets in space, such as satellites, against threats from Earth, including adversaries from the United States, Russia and China.

Since the idea of ​​the Space Force was first floated, there has been a lot of speculation and interest in some of the lighter cultural aspects of the service, such as the logo and motto, as well as the name. of the Space Force troops and what will be its official song.

The Space Force announced its “semper supra” motto and delta logo in July. The official logo came after Trump in January unveiled the service’s official seal, which has been colloquially referred to as the logo. The seal, which also focuses on a delta symbol, has been mocked by some online for resembling the Starfleet logo from Star Trek, although Space Force notes that the US military has used the delta in emblems of space organizations since 1961.

In May, Trump also unveiled the official flag, which included the seal, in a ceremony at the Oval Office.


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