Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator – Latest Kinect Game?


Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator, announced last week with an amazing trailer, does a lot of what it says on the tin. “The information is in the title,” says its Steam description, blatantly written by developer Xalavier Nelson Jr. “There are slicked-back and loose meat products derived from alien and human bodies, and you buy them and certainly sell ”. That’s it, then. But in a surprisingly exclusive, I can also reveal to you that SWOTS currently supports the Xbox Kinect (2010) as a control device, which presumably makes it the last Kinect game.

It is not known why this is the case, since Space Warlord Organ Trading is a management game. Partly inspired by Market Crashers, a game developed for the Nintendo 3DS StreetPass system, it revolves around short and intense rounds of play, each representing a day of trading in an organ market driven by the demands of Space Warlords. It is played through a user interface that hurts the eyes but still quite green on black, which looks like a heartbreaking sci-fi version of an 80s stock trading terminal. And again, it can be. controlled with an outdated motion tracking system. Fortunately, it also supports mouse and keyboard.

Currently there are 31 organs in the game, although Nelson says it’s scalable, and can change “if I finally wake up in the middle of the night and decide, once and for all, that the teeth are in fact an organ” . The current list of bowels includes familiar human parts like hearts and pancreas, but also weird and alien organs that interact in ways that are difficult if you store them together. It’s all a lot less bloody than it looks, although it’s still impossible to describe the aesthetics of the game without using the word ‘thrilling’.

Management information for a large intestine, with said intestine shown.

One of the Space Warlords is a dog called Chad Shakespeare. Nelson told me about several others, but it occurred to me quite late in the interview that he was potentially doing a little bit about Space Warlords that would have existed in our reality, without breaking kayfabe for a moment. Honestly, it’s pretty hard to talk about this game without looking like you’ve made it up. But to be fair, it looks right In my domain.

All of this is probably to be expected from Nelson, a man of relentless enthusiasm, who believes in a concept until his wheels fall off. He develops and publishes SWOTS as Strange Scaffold, under which label he’s also currently working on An Airport for Aliens currently run by dogs. For this project, Nelson hired work from Ben Chandler of point-and-click specialist studio Wadjet Eye, pixel artist Julian Minamata, composer RJ Lake, artist Judith McCroary, and renowned VR developer Sam Chiet. from Desktop Goose, which is apparently responsible for the Kinect Thing.

SWOTS will be with us on Steam at an unspecified time in 2021, when you can buy and sell any organ you love, as well as – in Nelson’s words – “finally realizing Microsoft’s hardware dream of picking an organ.” out of the air and moving it with your hands ”.

Disclosure: Xalavier Nelson Jr has written for Rock Paper Shotgun on numerous occasions and is a close friend of Ghoastus.

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