Spanish singer Camilo Sesto dies at 72


Sesto died of a cardiorespiratory arrest, according to his director, Eduardo Guervos. Guervos told Spanish public television Televisión Española that Camilo had been admitted to a hospital in Madrid on Saturday after feeling indisposed.

"Dear friends, We regret to inform you that our great and dear artist Camilo Sesto has just left us," said one tweet from Sesto's Twitter account. "Rest in peace."
All Spain and the Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking countries "will regret the loss of Camilo Sesto", said the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in a statement tweet.

"With your authentic voice, as an interpreter and composer, you could be one of the most expensive and most universal artists," tweeted Sanchez.

Sesto has sold more than 100 million albums during his career, according to CNN Español.
Billboard has described it as "one of the most iconic voices of the Latino pop of the 70s and 80s".
Sony Music Spain said in a tweet that a chapel would be erected Monday at the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores de Madrid for all those who want to say goodbye to the singer.


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