Spider-Man: Far from the end of the house and end credits explained: A future of cosmic wonder?


Tom Holland is back in the role of Spider-Man in his second solo film, Spider-Man: Far From Home, and Peter Parker still has a long way to go before the credits come up – and even during them. ! In fact, the second-end generic scene gives us our best clue as to Marvel's cosmic future in Phase 4. Let's describe now and explain the ending as well as the generic scenes afterwards.

The best Easter eggs at Spider-Man: far from home

Spider-Man vs Mysterio

The film's climax is set in London around the famous Tower Bridge, where Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio provoked another holographic attack – a huge composite of the film's Elementals. His plan is to make the world believe that he has defeated the threat and he will then be seen as the new protector of the Earth – instead of the Avengers. Not cool.

Spider-Man parachutes from Happy Hogan's Stark Industries jet and launches inside the hologram – taking part of the drones generating the illusion. After a long battle with Mysterio, who controls drones from a distance, Peter uses his "Peter-tingle" to look mainly through the illusions of Mysterio and eliminate the drones that protect him.

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Along the way, Mysterio catches fired drone shots and seems to be at the mercy of Peter, who recovers control of the Stark weapon system, known as E.D.I.T.H. who operates the drones. But in reality, the villain has one last illusion in his sleeve, as it turns out that Mysterio was actually a fake and that the real one tries to shoot Peter in the head at close range. But Peter's tingle – his spider sense – comes into play and Peter avoids being shot. Mysterio dies shortly after, convinced that people all over the world will believe anything … We will come back to this in a second.

MJ, Aunt May, Happy and Peter's friends

While Spider-Man argues with Mysterio, Zendaya's MJ and Peter's other comrades meet at Happy. The plan is to put them safe in Happy's jet, but it is quickly destroyed. They must escape on foot and end up in the armory of the Tower of London, where several drones track them. MJ has one with a club, Happy tries unsuccessfully to fire a Captain America with a shield and confess all their deepest secrets just before the drones withdraw at the last minute, thanks to the takeover of EDITH by To fart. again. MJ, still carrying this mass, finds Peter on the bridge and the two embrace finally. It's very cute. Awww !!!

The rotten tomatoes of each Spider-Man movie

Back home in New York, Peter asks his Aunt May and Happy to admit that there is something separating them. But it turns out May thought it was a summer adventure, much to Happy's dismay and surprise, and Peter is coming out of Dodge – a canvas he'd rather not get tangled up in! Find!

Later, Peter travels through Manhattan to meet MJ. The plan is to take him for a classic spider ride in the city, but contrary to this scenario in the movies, MJ has been screaming since the beginning and seems terrified by this experience. Who would not really be?

Mid credits scene: J. Jonah Jameson

After a sequence of colorful credits, half credits were cut for Spider-Man and MJ who returned to downtown, where MJ claims to never do it again. As Peter prepares to take off, he is perched on a lamppost – these scenes of Manhattan are reminiscent of the Spider-Man game on PS4 from last year – from the swing to Spidey's self-portrait that Peter takes – and even up to the end the appearance of none other than J. Jonah Jameson!

And it's not just J. Jonah, who has not been seen on the big screen since 2007, the Spider-Man 3, but also J.K. Simmons taking his iconic version of the character of Sam Raimi's films. As in the PS4 game, we hear a radio show getting into action, but now, J. Jonah also appears on a giant television screen, picking up TheDailyBugle.net. He claims to have pictures of what has actually happened in London and retransmits them, showing a tampered version of the final battle that seems to blame Spider-Man for the attack.

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Even worse, Mysterio's last act was to record a video message in which he revealed Peter's true identity to the world. Reflecting the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming when Aunt May said the same thing when she learned the truth about her nephew, Spidey yells "What the f …" while he gives himself the head full of panic and that the scene is completely black!

Post-Credits Scene: Talos the Skull

Finally, once the end of the credits ends, another scene unfolds, revealing that Nick Fury and Maria Hill have been the imposters of Skrull throughout the film, from the beginning in Mexico. In fact, it's Talos and Soren (Ben Mendelsohn and Sharon Blynn) from Captain Marvel, who are now working with Nick Fury. They call Fury to explain to him how things went during this week-long adventure – that is, not very well – even though everything eventually went well – and we see that Fury is relaxing as he hangs. on Talos. Where is he?

The camera goes off and it is revealed that the beach is just a hologram and that Nick is actually aboard some sort of spaceship, apparently the commander while several Skrull officers are working hard. Could this be the MCU debut of S.W.O.R.D. – for example, the Department of Observation and Response of the Sensitive World? Basically, it's the S.H.I.E.L.D. Type of organization in comics that focuses on the threats of space. Which, considering everything that has happened during the first three phases of the MCU, would make a lot of sense …

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We will have to wait for Marvel Phase 4 to find out! What did you think of the end? Tell us in the comments section! And do not forget to check out our article on Spider-Man: Far From Home and the story of Spidey Naughty, Mysterio.

Talk to Scott Collura, Editor, on Twitter at @ScottColluraor listen to his Star Trek Podcast, Transport Room 3. Or do both!


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