Spider Man: Miles Morales Bug Gives Us The Patio Lamp Swinging Web Hero We Deserve


As any avid gamer knows, bugs and glitches are part of the deal. Sometimes they take the gameplay to a whole new level, as it seems to be with Spider Man: Miles Morales where players unexpectedly morphed into inanimate objects, including a patio heater (there’s probably a joke out there about great power and great responsibility, but we’re above puns. The edge dot com) (spoiler: we are totally do not).

The patio heater incident was quite strange, but it’s not the only odd inanimate object to abruptly replace a player in the game:

It is possible that Spider Man glitch can possibly rank up there with the funniest quirk in the game. There was the bug in Half Life 2 that left NPCs unable to blink, the many oddities including misplaced obelisks Microsoft Flight Simulator, and of course who can forget the patch for The sims 4 This caused some sims to fire unexpectedly.

Spider Man Game developer Insomniac Games acknowledged the bug on Twitter calling it “just as embarrassing as it is heartwarming” (get it ?!) and Into the Spider-Verse Producer Phil Lord suggested that the bug should enter Spider-Verse 2 “if we have the slightest respect for ourselves.”

But many fans responded to Insomniac’s tweet asking that the glitch stay, which is pretty funny, and unless it slows down or interferes with gameplay, why not? After all, there aren’t any other games (to our knowledge, anyway) where a patio heater could end up saving New York City. Give it a chance!


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