Spider-Man Spinoff Dusk in development at Sony


Sony’s efforts to expand their shared cinematic universe of Spider-Man characters would include ’90s hero Dusk.

A new report claims Sony is bringing the obscure Spider-Man character Dusk to life.

According to The Illuminerdi, Sony is once again expanding its roster of films adjacent to Spider-Man in an effort to create its own cinematic universe. The last character with a film in development is Dusk, a somewhat obscure character from the ’90s.

In the comics, Dusk is a cloak worn by several Negative Zone characters who attempt to defeat Blastaar. When Spider-Man arrives and learns of the residents’ fight, he agrees to don the mantle and serve as the champion. Back in New York, Peter Parker would later put on the all-black suit during the Identity crisis scenario.

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For the purposes of the film, it’s more likely that Dusk will be focused around Cassie St. Commons, who first appeared in Rebels # 0 in 1998. She gave the costume and name when joining the titular Slingers but soon falls to her death. Instead of remaining dead, however, she gains ghostly abilities, such as the power to teleport, manipulate shadows into energy forms, and regenerate. In return, however, she exists in a state between life and death.

Following the success of both MCUs Spider Man films with Tom Holland as well as Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, Sony Pictures is doing everything it can on the Marvel Comics properties to which it holds the rights to the film. Despite a recent release delay, the Jared Leto-starring Morbius should be released this year, as is Venom: May the Carnage Be. The old movie appears to be tied to the MCU, with Michael Keaton’s Vulture appearing in the trailer.

It was also recently announced that Olivia Wilde will be directing a Sony Marvel movie, and all signs point to her focusing on Spider-Woman. Sony has also been trying to make a Kraven the Hunter movie for quite some time, with a feature focused on Black Cat. On the animated side of things, a Into the Spider-Verse sequel and at least one spin-off, focusing on the many Spider-Women of the multiverse, are in the works following the critical and commercial acclaim of the 2018 film. And of course, the untitled third Spider Man Filming for the film in the MCU will arrive at the end of the year.

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While there is no more news on what to expect from Dusk’s adaptation, it is clear that Sony wants to exploit any IP addresses it has when it comes to Marvel Comics characters.

Source: L’Illuminerdi

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