[Spoiler] Go back to the episode “ Tragedy ” and everything goes wrong – Deadline


Spoiler alert: The following recap contains details on The Mandalorian Episode Chapter 14 “The Tragedy” directed by Robert Rodriguez.

So continuing where we left off last week, Mando followed Ahsoka Tano’s advice and flies off to Tython’s planet where he places Baby Yoda aka The Child aka now Grogu on a stone that sees at the top of a mountain, which is an ancient Jedi temple. (but looks more like Simi Valley, CA or Santa Clarita, CA, ha, ha).

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While Mando waits for something cosmic to happen, our old pal Boba Fett appears in his classic Slave I ship. Who knew that Mando and Boba’s first meeting would be so controversial? Yet that is the business of cowboys. Boba brought in another bounty hunter friend to help him take on Mando, Fennec Shand (Ming-Na Wen). She was left for dead in the first season, but she shows us her belly and apparently Boba rebuilt her, and made her guts robotic (having robot body parts is de rigueur in Star wars earth, i.e. Luke Skywalker’s hand and most of Darth Vader’s body).

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“I want my armor,” Boba told Mando of the suit he acquired on Tatooine, “It’s mine.”

“Are you a Mandalorian?” Mando asks.

“I’m a simple man, crossing the galaxy, like my father before me,” Boba replies in Skywalker one-liner echo, “I don’t give allegiance to anyone.”

Mando says he has dibs on Boba’s armor saying it was looted from the Mandalorians during the Purge. The trio are at a dead end, with Fennec targeting Grogu on the hill. Boba finally calms the situation and it’s guns.

“The armor was given to my father Jango by your ancestors, in return I guarantee the safety of the child as well as yours… a fair deal under the circumstances,” Boba told Mando.

The Mandalorian Season 2 Boba Fett returns

Then what is essential in every Mandalorian episode, comes a gripping action sequence, and at that point we have an Imperial Stormtrooper raid as Grogu goes into a meditation Jedi Zazen, protected by a force field, which pushes Mando back when he tries to take him down. break, and run away with the child.

Why are the Imperials here? Remember they put a tracker on Mando’s Razor Crest spaceship. Lots of shooting here, but the highlight is watching Temuera Morrison’s Boba Fett wield a Tusken Raider gaderffii and beat up the stormtroopers pieces. Absolute pleasure. The action intensifies as Boba spots Mando’s Razor Crest ship. A few scenes later, Boba is half-happy in his classic green-red-hued armor, having retrieved it from Mando’s ship; fight and shoot more troops. And then satisfy the imagination of anyone who has played with it Star wars figures, we see Boba Fett firing his back-mounted missile at an Imperial freighter that takes off: it blows up the ship in the sky, causing it to crash into the sister ship that flies alongside.

Moff Gideon’s mothership targets and detonates Mando’s razor crest. Mando goes to look for Grogu at the top of the hill, The Child has emptied and fell asleep of his high pressure Zazen. Gideon sends the dark stormtroopers to look for Grogu who brings him back to the Imperial mothership.

Later, Boba, grateful for the armor, tells Mando that he is indebted to him and that he and Fennec will help him get the child back. Mando acknowledges that Jango, Boba’s father, was a foundling. Boba told him “he fought The Mandalorian civil war. ”While the whole little Boba Fett-Jango Fett story is great, it’s okay, I would really like to have a flashback to how Boba survived Sarlacc Pit in Return of the Jedi, and where he ventured from there after Jabba the Hutt died.

The episode ends on the ship where we see Baby Yoda locked in a cell, using her strength to launch two stormtroopers. Gideon enters, amused, and sees how the Child falls asleep using force. Gideon shows his Dark Saber, but then pulls it away from Grogu saying, “You’re not ready to play with such things, likely to get your eye on any of them.” Looks like you could use a good long sleep. And just then one of the stormtroopers shoots the stunned child.

Gideon’s last words to one of his lieutenants: “When we step out of hyperspace, send an encrypted message to Dr. Pershing. Let him know we have our donor.

While Ahsoka was concerned that Grogu would follow the dark side of the force, it doesn’t look like Gideon wanted to train the little green guy.


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