Spotify announces plans to add AirPlay 2 to its iOS app – possibly


Spotify still hasn’t added support for AirPlay 2 to its iOS app – but despite the delay, it “is still working on doing [it] a reality, ”said the company The edge. A doubt was cast on the inclusion of AirPlay 2 when MacRumors spotted a post on the forum where a Spotify forum moderator claimed that “audio driver compatibility issues” could mean the feature would not be added in the foreseeable future. Spotify now claims this is wrong.

The edge received the following statement from Spotify regarding AirPlay 2:

A post on one of Spotify’s community pages contained incomplete information regarding our plans for AirPlay2. Spotify will support AirPlay2 and we are working to make it a reality.

AirPlay 2, added as part of the iOS 11 update, introduced multiroom audio, Siri voice control, and fairly broad support across a wide range of speakers, TVs, and entertainment services. streaming. This was a real first for Apple’s “broadcast” feature, which was previously poorly supported outside of Apple’s own devices.

Spotify has its own way of routing audio from its service to other devices in the form of Spotify Connect, but given that Spotify already supports Google Cast, ignoring Apple’s latest streaming protocol would seem. be a strange omission. Like MacRumors Notes, Apple provides a seemingly simple four-step developer document on how to activate the feature. However, developer Marco Arment points Apart from that the fourth step (adopting a new API that supports improved buffering) is a bigger hurdle than it looks.

But add that Spotify has an unfriendly relationship with Apple, even going so far as to file an antitrust complaint and publicly call it a bully, and the choice not to prioritize AirPlay 2 integration is even more so. logic. It’s nice that this always happens, but for any Spotify subscriber on iOS, it’s hard not to feel like you’re caught between two tech giants on the sidelines.

Update August 6 at 6:47 p.m. ET: Changed title and added statement from Spotify confirming it works on AirPlay2 support.


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