Spotify ignores iTunes in new podcast on its history and anti-piracy challenges


Spotify recently launched a new, original podcast on its own history, which provides details not only of how the platform came into being, but also provides insight into the music industry. Although the first two episodes are about the challenges of tackling music piracy in the digital age, Apple’s iTunes was completely ignored by Spotify in the podcast.

As indicated by The edge, the podcast features interesting interviews, which include a discussion with Sean Parker, the creator of Napster, and Lars Ulrich of Metallica. The founders of Spotify discussed how music piracy encouraged the development of Spotify at the time, as they wanted to offer the “easy to pirate music”, but as something legitimate.

However, iTunes was not even mentioned in the podcast while they were talking about hacking. It’s impossible to ignore how essential the iPod and the iTunes Music Store have been in reducing digital music piracy because they made it easier for customers to buy original songs for customers, but Spotify tells its story. that music distribution has gone from “CD stores to Napster to Spotify”.

If talking about being easier than hacking sounds familiar, it’s probably because it was also part of the iTunes Music Store talk. It seems, for the most part, that iTunes and the iPod are pretty much ignored altogether. The podcast features music distribution ranging from CD stores to Napster to Spotify. Apple and Spotify aren’t best friends, but honestly it’s somewhat hilarious to hear how the story completely ignores the fact that people could, in fact, buy digital music (an option that existed even before the launch of Spotify).

This could be related to the fact that Apple and Spotify do not have a good relationship. Spotify often accuses Apple of being a monopoly because the company requires other streaming services available for iPhone and iPad to pay a 30% commission on subscriptions, which Apple itself does not have to pay for Apple. Music.

If you’re curious about the history of Spotify, check out the “Spotify: A Product Story” podcast – which is of course available exclusively on Spotify.

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