Spotify is testing voice announcements for Android and iOS users in the United States.


Spotify has worked hard to compete in the aggressive sector of streaming music. After years of planning, the company has finally launched its service in India with a multitude of plans to choose from. They embarked on a real attack on Apple for their practices that were supposed to hinder competition for Apple Music. To continue to compete, they have to invest in other areas and that is exactly what they do. They have recently started testing voice ads for a limited number of users in the United States.

At the present time, no one enjoys advertising, but it can be quite difficult to avoid completely. Even if you do not actively strive to avoid commercials, you risk becoming blind to them on the websites. Even multimedia ads on services such as Spotify, YouTube, cable TV, etc. are ignored as soon as the user detects that he has started playing. Advertisers are always looking for ways to interact with users in new and unique ways. Spotify has enough confidence to test mobile voice ads and some in the US may be experiencing them now.

The idea is to provide the user with a way to reconnect with the advertiser by taking action for a particular advertisement. For Spotify users, this would mean that the user hears an ad and requests a voice command to act on that ad. This action might look like an ongoing test conducted by Ax Body Spray and Spotify Studios in order to direct users to the original Spotify podcast, Stay Free: The Story of the Shock.

Another solution being tested will direct the user to a Spotify branded playlist associated with an Ax Body Spray ad campaign. We can see how this can continue to grow in product purchases if they end up getting positive results from the initial tests.

Spotify - Music and Podcasts
Spotify - Music and Podcasts

Source: TechCrunch

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