Spotify now asks Rental to enforce the terms and conditions


Beautiful fashion girl learning online with a tablet and headphones sitting on a bench in the streetSpotify offers several options, including the Premium Family Plan. For $ 14.99 a month, families can open up to 6 premium accounts. The problem is that all participants must have the same address.

The streaming music service is now working to enforce the "family members under one roof" rule by updating their terms and conditions. Last month, the terms and conditions were revised. Now, under Eligibility and Verification, Spotify says they can request a re-verification of the home address "from time to time" to confirm that all family plan users are still eligible.

This updated rule requiring users to check their location has raised privacy issues, including those of children, since children over 13 are allowed to be part of the family plan.

"The changes to the policy allow Spotify to arbitrarily use a person's location to see if it still resides at the same address when using a family account and how often Spotify will poll devices." users to get this information, "said Christopher Weatherhead of Privacy International, according to a CNet report. There are "worrying implications for privacy," he added.

Spotify indicates that the data is encrypted and that once the verification is complete, it is not stored or used to track the location.

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