Spotify will let you filter your favorite songs by mood and genre


Spotify makes it easy to analyze your favorite songs. The company is rolling out a new feature today that will allow users to filter their favorite songs by genre and mood. This way you can enjoy more of what you love without compromising on ambiance. I, for example, have songs that would be fun in the club but also folk songs for the chill out time, both of which are under my umbrella of favorite songs. This new feature would allow me to decide my mood and then listen.

To access filters, you must have at least 30 liked songs. You can then go to your library, navigate to the songs you like, and select a filter listed at the top. You can remove this filter at any time and replace a new one. These filters will change as you like new songs, Spotify says. For now, they will only be deployed in English speaking markets, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Spotify has made no secret that it wants to be the app for all types of audio needs, including music and podcasts. While this feature is small, it’s the kind of update that makes a product more useful for everyday use and might keep people coming back to the app to like songs, which Spotify wants.


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