Square Enix will present the Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC next week


Re: Think again

Square Enix did not surprise anyone with the announcement of Kingdom Hearts III Re: Spirit. An extension of the downloadable content as a result of the great success, it was logical that the previous games get the reissue of "Final Mix". Although this probably does not have the same scope as these previous titles, it was not possible Kingdom Hearts III has been completed. We have not heard much about downloadable content since E3, however. What's going on with that?

Well, it looks like we'll have to wait another week to find out. On the official Kingdom Hearts Twitter account, Square Enix has announced that it will launch a new trailer for Call back next week, September 9, 2019. Dude, what teasing! Seeing that we waited nearly 15 years for a sequel, a week is almost nothing.

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