Squid Game Easter Egg secretly revealed all 6 games


Squid Game features six deadly games that were a mystery to gamers, but an Easter Egg secretly revealed every game they would play.

A Squid game The Easter Egg secretly revealed the six games that are being played. Netflix’s Korean TV series has become one of the biggest shows of 2021 as viewers have experienced the startling and horrifying story. Squid game focuses on a group of 456 people who become competitors in a deadly set of games and challenges for a chance to win 45.6 billion won. As viewers connected to the series through the stories of Seong Gi-han, Oh Il-nam and Sae-Byeok, Squid game has also delivered a lot of thrills and suspense thanks to the games it offers.

Viewers and participants are quickly introduced to the high stakes of Squid Game by the end of the first episode. That’s where they played Red Light, Green Light with Squid gameterrifying doll, which claimed dozens of victims. Surviving players then had to play tug of war, any game with marbles, create shapes with sugar honeycombs, complete the glass springboard game, and finally participate in the actual game of Squid Game. . However, players from Squid game never knew which game would follow, which only increased their anxiety about the future and their lives. Turns out they could have figured it out by taking a quick glance at their surroundings.

Related: Holes, Inconsistencies & Scrapers For The Squid Game

When the Squid game the players participate in a game, they are locked in a giant room with hundreds of beds which serve as their living quarters. This is where alliances and enemies form, and where the riot takes place, as they all wait to see what game they should play next. A Squid game The Easter egg reveals that it wasn’t meant to be a big mystery to them. The walls of the players’ room have stick figure paintings from each of the 6 games. The paintings even show the games in the order they occur: Red Light Green Light, honeycomb shapes, tug of war, marbles, glass springboards, and squid game.

The discovery of this Squid game The Easter Egg is another foreshadowing element the show has managed to include, but it also raises a lot of questions about the games themselves. While these paintings are mostly hidden behind the stack of beds at first, they can barely be seen at this point and are fully revealed as the games continue. It’s strange that none of the players noticed these marks and used them to their advantage. This Easter Egg could have let any player know exactly which game was going to follow and think about a possible strategy. For example, knowing that Tug-of-War was the third game would certainly have helped some people look for stronger teams, or knowing the Glass Bridge game would have made players choose higher numbers and not start.

It is also possible that this Squid game Easter egg means the selection of games each time the competition takes place. The Squid Game competition has been going on decades before the events of the show. Some viewers may have wondered if the same games are played every year or if there are other games that alternate. Those Squid game the wall inscriptions could confirm that the same 6 games are played each time and in the same order.

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