Stadia management bankrupt its users and passionate development team amid class action lawsuit


In a new class action lawsuit, Google is being sued for announcing that Stadia was more powerful than Sony’s Playstation and Microsoft’s Xbox while streaming in 4K when, in fact, few games took advantage of this quality when the service became available for the first time. Instead, most games at launch were streaming at 1080p. Despite this, Stadia’s management and marketing teams did nothing to update their campaign accordingly. The lawsuit alleges that Google “dramatically exaggerated the quality of the streaming and the display resolution” and sought to increase its subscribers in this way.

While Google provided developers with the ability to deliver their games in 4K quality and 60fps to consumers, many did not take advantage of it at launch. Basically, it’s possible that many gamers bought Stadia on the promise of competitive console-quality 4K game streaming and instead received something less than advertised. Marketing essentially misled consumers into believing that all of its games were available in 4K – oops!

If you would like to see the original Google ad, you can watch it below. Besides being downright silly and boring, these commercials have consistently hammered 4K and 60 FPS, and that Stadia is basically like… “electric air”. Instead, they should have made it clear that players can play anywhere and on the hardware they already own. After learning the hard way that their target market weren’t hardcore gamers, they finally came and started using this marketing, but not before the courts were involved and this lawsuit broke out, I guess.

What is Stadia?

Stadia is just the newest, most confusing, confusing, and absurd game platform in the world!

It is essentially “electric air”

The lawsuit, if taken to court, is intended to cover all persons in the United States who purchased Stadia Founder’s Edition, Premier Edition and / or a Stadia Pro subscription between June 6, 2019 and the date the lawsuit is resolved. . There is currently no amount per user attached to coverage, but litigation like this takes time, so keep an eye out for news. Until now, you will not need to “join” the lawsuit to receive reparations if you are part of the affected group.

Stadia leadership decisions

You know, I love Stadia conceptually and as a service, but Google seems to be doing everything it can to end up in the news every week for something else. It is a shame that the hardworking and passionate Stadia team of developers are doing everything in their power to make the service revolutionary and world class as the management team is constantly making decisions that have an impact. negative on everyone around them.

I have no idea what’s going on at Google this year, but I’m starting to see a pattern – they’re building a great team of talented, creative people who want to bring an idea to life and then hire someone to run it. which destroys everything. I know it might sound a little harsh, but it’s true. These people seem to have either bad backgrounds in the industry or simply be out of touch with the community they generally serve. How can this happen?

I want to make it clear that people like Grace “GracefromGoogle” Yang and others have publicly expressed their dismay at the unwarranted hatred and personal attacks when instead players’ anger should be directed at those who are. at the top and ignoring the rhythm and culture of the gaming community that she and her team have worked so hard every round to capture and cultivate. Seriously, the Stadia community team showcase the best customer service and the biggest passion I have ever seen in my life. and the product they built is amazing, but he is overshadowed by the poor management decisions of the company.

I mean, they hired Phil Harrison, chief executive of Google, as the platform’s product manager. Unfortunately, he had previously left Sony and Microsoft among several other jobs within three years of each other. He may have been directly responsible for shutting down proprietary development studios out of fear in response to Microsoft’s acquisition of Bethesda. He or his management team also mismanaged resources and individuals before and during the pandemic – so much so that they told everyone on the Stadia Games and Entertainment team that they were doing a great job in a e-mail a week before firing them, knowing that Google would not have suitable positions for game developers. I just don’t understand.

I just hope that whatever the outcome of this lawsuit, Google learns a lesson. Care more about your public image than your portfolio, and your staff more than your public image – both users and developers. Improving lives should go beyond providing an innovative product, it should mean putting your ethics above your desire for money above all else.

Grace and her team as well as those who were moved with little or no warning when SG&E closed their doors should receive the reparations they so deserve – perhaps through a second trial. It is disheartening how many people have uprooted their lives and given their all to be jobless or in a position that they could probably care less about. It is absurd that the remaining developers have to keep swimming upstream against a torrent of internal strife, giving over 100% and yet they continue to do so with a smile because they are amazing people. As this all takes place on a weekly basis, they just want to create something transformative and fun for players who can enjoy it, and even for those who are consumed by Stray Vitriol.

As a Google “fanboy” and a Stadia addict, it pains me a lot to say this, but it might be better for all parties if Stadia was owned by a company other than Google. He deserves his own identity outside of the tarnished reputation Google has become known for and I hope more than anything that he can continue to serve his fans and deliver a disruptive experience.


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