Star Trek Deep Space Nine Tech Manual Overview


Get to know how a Runabout is, uh.

Get to know how a Runabout is, uh.
Picture: Eaglemoss

Ever wondered what fuels an Rnot at all? How generations of Cardassian and then Federation engineers helped keep Terok Nor, born New deep spaceof space station holder, running on nothing but The disdain of Miles O’Brien? Good news: this week the only book you wanted to read arrived, and we’ve got a peek inside.

Released this week at Eaglemoss and Hero Collector’s Star Trek range, Simon Hugo and Ben Robinson Deep Space Nine: the illustrated manual gives fans a glimpse into the technology behind one of the the most loved hiking watch around. From the Federation Runabouts to the legacy of Cardassian design The Sisko team has to face the transformation of DS9 into a center of interest for the Federation and the Bajorans, until break it down Of challenge, the vanguard of Starfleet’s war on the Dominion, the book is filled with artwork and stills from DS9 highlighting whatever rocks the titular station.


Picture: Eaglemoss

To celebrate the book’s release, we get an exclusive look at a few spreads detailing the Federation’s support ship, the Runabout, and how those Runabouts and other ships docked in DS9’s many ports, if they need to be stationed. permanently. at the outpost or passing Bajor Road, the Gamma Quadrant, and beyond. Check them out below!


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