Star Trek Discovery Shadows and Shadows Review – / Movie


Star Trek Discovery Light and Shadows Review

I think tonight Star Trek: Discovery The episode was our first official fill episode for the season. Entitled "Light and Shadows", I expected much more than we had. Although it looked a bit like "Point of Light" in that it moved existing plot points and established new ones, the episode finally left us with, to be rude, figurative blue balls (even though adding a fascinating new angle). to Spock). Here's why.

Spock coordinates

The episode itself talks about Pike and Tyler being caught in a rift in space-time, leaving them no choice but to work together to return to Discovery (with the # 39; Stamets help and temporal understanding). Cool. But the real The reason for the episode was all about Spock, especially the set of numbers he was constantly repeating.

Thanks to Michael's knowledge, she realizes that the numbers are coordinates that Spock remembers in the back thanks to his dyslexia, a disorder he inherited from his mother Amanda. I will speak in more detail about the importance of this later, but for now, what I have to say is that I wish we could get to that 40 minutes earlier in the episode. In other words, I do not know if this episode was necessary to go to the end of the story.

It turns out that the coordinates are on a distant planet that has something to do with the Red Angel and its purpose. But instead of telling us why the planet is important, we have to wait until next Thursday! I understand that we need to create some suspense and possibly finish the season due to the number of episodes ordered by CBS. But I would like the story of A not to be the space-time rescue. B's story, dealing with Michael's management of his family's dynamics and his brother's protection from Section 31, should have been his main focus.

Sarek and Amanda

I hope we will have more information on Sarek and Amanda this season. I really need to know how they work together as a couple because sometimes it seems like they do not understand each other at all. I mean, Amanda accused Sarek of not respecting humanity enough. How can a relationship last without something as fundamental as respect?

Of course, one could argue successfully that Amanda did not say that by anger. It's not like she can scream like she can on Earth; she must discuss in the manner of the Vulcans. So, more than likely, she let her emotions take over. But, there could be a core of truth in what she said. Even though Sarek comprises relationship of humanity with emotions, he could never fully live the life of a human, so how could he knows what Amanda and Michael are going through as pureblood humans? He really can not understand what Spock goes through as half human / half vulcan.

Whether he decides to say it out loud or not, I think that he finally figured out why Amanda was reading Alice through the mirror to his children. As she said, she read it to prepare them for a life where nothing would make sense, even their own existence as children trapped between two cultures and two ways to be. This scene shows once again why Spock (and now Michael) are good allegories about how bi / multiracial or bi / multicultural people can unfortunately sometimes feel unable to find their place in a binary society of cultures and cultures different.

Spock's dyslexia

I think it's amazing that Spock has the extra layer of dyslexics. In general, Star Trek has kept the disability as part of its slogan: to educate viewers to respect all people. Of The next generationGeordi LaForge serving Starfleet while blind New deep spaceNog loses a leg because of discussions about blindness The original series, Star Trek did his best to explore the notions of sensitivity, respect and appreciation of others.

The fact that Spock is diagnosed as dyslexic adds an extra layer to an already deep character that counts for so many people, including me. Personally, I have not seen many depictions of dyslexia on television or in film, so Spock's dyslexia helps fill a void in entertainment. This also makes Spock an even bigger model than it already is. Here's why.

I think one thing that could be learned from this episode is, "Wow, Spock has defeated so much, even his dyslexia!" But I challenge ourselves not to consider Spock as having been defeated, because in this word , assume that it is closer to what we might consider "normal". "Overcoming" is the way the Vulcans, including Sarek, will frame Spock's fight, because if there is anything intolerant among Vulcans, it's a deviation from that. that they consider as perfection and logic. You see how Sarek explained how Spock's Vulcan teachers figuratively removed any gaps in Spock, including Spock's dyslexia (or at least they thought so).

In reality, there is no "normal" because many of us have something that makes us "different", whether it's a learning disability, anxiety, depression or something like that. Example, me. I was personally devastated when I finally had a treatment for anxiety. This can be called internalized capacitism, but on a daily basis, I was annoyed at not being presented as "normal". I felt like I was out of control and could not stand without medication. very mentally autonomous person, angry with myself. Wrongly upset, of course, but still upset.

Instead, we should look at Spock as someone who is in the process of buying it fully. It is someone who, like us, realizes that what we might consider our faults is actually part of our gifts. Believe it or not, there is an advantage to what you consider to be your problem, something that I have learned hard on many occasions. There is a glimmer of hope in the cross that you have to bear. We must each discover what this silver lining is.

As far as I am concerned, I find that I am extremely emotionally sensitive to my anxiety and depression; I am very caring, sometimes to my own detriment. I think for Spock, his silver lining is that his dyslexia also allows him to be more sensitive. This will probably help him to exploit his empathy even more than the mere fact of being human and that Vulcan does it. Because he knows the suffering of being judged different by society at three different levels, he is forced to be more sensitive to anyone in need, which makes him perfect for Starfleet. This sensitivity also made him the ideal ship to use for the Red Angel, even if that same sensitivity made him go overboard. Dyslexia also helped keep these precious coordinates so that Starfleet could access the root of the mystery surrounding the Red Angel.

Leland's past

The last thing I need to mention is that Georgiou launched the biggest bomb of all; Leland killed Michael's parents. Of course, we're going to open this nugget, because I have to see Michael kick in Leland's ass. But perhaps we will also have some answers about why Michael's parents were targeted. Why was Michael's life ruined? And since Leland is the murderer, was he working for Section 31 or was it something he did on his own?

But, as I wrote above, I would have liked us to learn some of these very important plot points earlier in the episode. It's as if all this episode was a buried film, and it's upsetting. But that makes the wait for next Thursday much better … no? We will pretend that this is the case.

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