Star Wars reacts to Captain Marvel's Brie Larson who wants to become a Jedi


Captain Marvel finally released in theaters next week and film actors are working hard to promote the latest film Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In a recent interview with Weekly entertainmentBrie Larson revealed that Samuel L. Jackson had installed his iconic lightsaber Mace Windu purple. This naturally prompted the actress to want to become a Jedi.

Well, the people who run the official Star wars A Twitter account saw the article and was quick to tweet about it.

"I have to hold his [@SamuelLJackson’s] lightsaber! He brought it to me on the set on May 4th and I cried. It was too cool. I want to be a Jedi. – @ brielarson via the #CaptainMarvel report from @ EW. The also added a beautiful:

"The Force is definitely with you, captain."

Larson did not let the fun stop there. She responded to the tweet quite quickly, reminding the world that her new character, Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel, had a lot in common with the characters in Star wars.

"Honored to be an intergalactic hero with you," she wrote with a smiling face.

Many fans were quick to comment on the conversation, showing a keen interest in crossing Disney properties.

"We love our heroes" @MaddyCastiel wrote.

"After writing Star Wars and Captain Marvel, I hope we'll see you one day as a Jedi!" @ Jody_Houser responded.

"I need to see Captain Marvel and Rey team up," @IEatBlueFlowers added.

Brie Larson joining the Star wars the franchise would be pretty cool, and not at all unprecedented. Jackson is not the only actor to appear both in the MCU and Star wars. There are tons of actors including Natalie Portman, Andy Serkis, Lupita Nyongo, Donald Glover, Forest Whitaker, Paul Bettany, Benicio Del Toro and many others.

During their Weekly entertainment interview, Larson and Jackson also discussed the possibility of working together again, and Larson revealed that Jackson would not give him any advice when they started shooting the new Marvel movie.

In addition to Larson and Jackson, Captain Marvel stars Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou (Korath), Lee Pace (Ronan), Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan (Minn-Erva), Algenis Perez Soto, Rune Temte, McKenna Grace, Kenneth Mitchell (Joseph Danvers) and Clark Clark (Phil Coulson) and Jude Law.

Captain Marvel is published on March 8th. Other upcoming MCU films include Avengers: End of the game April 26 and Spider-Man: far from home July the 5th. Star Wars: Episode IX should be published on December 20th.


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