Star Wars: The Mandalorian – Baby Yoda fans are confused after new episode


While the outcome of the 2020 presidential election was the main topic of conversation this weekend, Star Wars: The Mandalorian was a close second – especially when it came to the Baby Yoda shenanigans. The latest episode, titled “Chapter 10: The Passenger,” debuted on Disney + on Friday by Ant-Man director Peyton Reed, loaded with references to his Marvel Studios film and John Williams’ epic. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. But it was Baby Yoda himself who raised the most eyebrows as he single-handedly attempted to kill a family line in an effort to fill her adorable womb.

The star of the episode was “the passenger” herself, Frog Lady. Peli Motto (Amy Sedaris) introduced Frog Lady to Mando (Pedro Pascal) on Tatooine and explained that she was traveling with her unfertilized eggs and that she was planning to meet her husband on another planet. In the end, Frog Lady survived the chaos they encountered on their journey, but not all of her eggs did. Turns out Baby Yoda thought it was a tasty treat.

The beloved character has continued to sneak the eggs of Frog Lady, which is rocking the internet. A lot of people thought The Child couldn’t do anything wrong, but now they’re changing songs after he doesn’t listen to Daddy Mando, who kept berating him for taking bites of his new favorite snack. However, not everyone was disturbed! You can check out some of the best Star Wars fan tweets about Baby Yoda and Frog Lady below …

An expert weighs


Not everyone cares



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