Start Week 1 of 2021 with the Awesome Games Done Quick Running Marathon


Games Done Quick (GDC), the charity event series that raises funds as expert gamers weave their way through classic games, kicked off its 2021 first iteration yesterday on Twitch, and the event is running throughout. week for anyone wishing to connect to this year. speedrunning floodlights.

The January event, usually focused on ‘great’ games made quickly, is in its second day and has some great titles on the schedule for the next few hours, including speedruns from Dishonored 2, Divinity: Original Sin II, and Diablo 3. Later this week we’ll see speedruns from classics like Final Fantasy VII, Mega-man, Metroid, and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. Check out the full program here.

GDC has been running its charity speedrun marathons since 2010, and this year’s event is raising funds for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The series of events stands out for its consistency, the fairly large number of views and charities that it publishes regularly (over $ 25 million raised so far), and the fact that it often sets records. of the live world set in real time on Twitch.

Earlier today, two world records were set in two Sonic back to back games: Sonic 1 (by speedrunner flyingfox) and Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited (by Zaxon96).


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