State taking the names of the teachers who called to protest


The Kentucky Education Commissioner wants the name of every teacher who has taken advantage of a sick day to force the closure of 10 school districts so that educators can protest in front of the state legislature .

At least 10 school districts in Kentucky have been forced to close several times since February 28, after the number of teachers who used their sick leave, so that officials could not find enough substitutes to cover the courses.

The Jefferson County Public Schools, one of the largest districts in the country with over 98,000 students, were closed six times in two weeks. Hundreds of teachers have invaded the Capitol to protest against several proposals impacting the pension system and funding education.

The protests are part of a wave of activism among teachers across the country that began last year in West Virginia and quickly spread to other states. , including Oklahoma and Arizona. This year, teachers in Los Angeles and Oakland, California, went on strike.

Kentucky teachers did not go on strike. But they used their sick leave to shut down schools to protest several education bills. They included a proposal to change the head of the management of the teachers' pension fund, as well as legislation that would have indirectly supported private schools with tax credits for scholarship funds. studies.

On Thursday, Education Commissioner Wayne Lewis sent letters to 10 school districts, asking for the name of every teacher who used a sick day on days when districts were forced to close. He also wanted copies of all affidavits and doctor's notes.

"The Kentucky Department of Education takes school closures very seriously," Lewis said. "It is important that administrators, teachers and students make their voices heard on issues related to public education policy; advocacy should in no way put an end to the politics of public education. learning whole communities. "

Emilie Blanton, an English teacher at Southern High School in Jefferson County, said she had not taken advantage of a day off sick, but that she 's not sure she' s going to be sick. Was on the Capitol to protest because the district was closed.

"I think it's a tactic of intimidation," she said. "It just shows that they will try to silence the movement of the sick as best as possible."

It is unclear what state education officials could do with this information. A Kentucky Ministry of Education press release says the law allows the commissioner to consult the records of all teachers and is entitled to report "mismanagement, lawlessness or misconduct in Kentucky Board of Education ".

The Kentucky Education Association, which represents 43,000 educators in the state, said in a press release that superintendents could punish teachers who take sick leave to come to Capitol "exercise their first-amendment rights."

"We hope that they will not do it," the association said in a press release. "To ensure that educators – who are all citizens of this Commonwealth – choose to keep their livelihood or exercise their constitutional rights is abhorrent."


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