Station 19, Season 2, Episode 15: Barrett Doss Responds to Ripley's Death


The last The anatomy of Gray and Station 19 The crossing ended with a heartbreaking death and the first loss of a major character in the Station 19 family.

After inhaling hydrofluoric acid during the last fire, Chief Ripley (Brett Tucker) collapsed and was found at the Gray Sloan Memorial. However, a pre-existing heart condition made the treatment of the hospital more difficult, which only exacerbated when he went home to find Vic (Barrett Doss ) and explain to him that he did not pick it up that morning. He finally managed to get treatment, but by then, the toxin was too prevalent and Maggie (Kelly McCreary) was unable to convince her body to respond to treatment.

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Although the diagnosis was devastating, it allowed Hughes enough time to understand why Ripley had not bothered to go to the restaurant to accept his marriage proposal and be farewell. It was a heartbreaking moment for the couple, all the way as the episode was also filled with flashback scenes showing how much they had fallen in love with each other during their relationship. They really seemed to be soul mates, but Ripley's body died out and he died from prolonged exposure to the chemical.

The final scene of the episode saw the entire station 19 team lying on the fire truck with Hughes while she was crying over her dead fiancĂ© – a scene that echoed everyone who was on the floor with Izzy (Katherine Heigl) after Denny (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) died at the end of Gray & # 39; s Season 2.

TV Guide spoke to Barrett's story of the heartbreaking death and place where Hughes surrenders after such a devastating loss.

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How did you react when you read the script for the first time and saw how this crossover was going to unfold?
Barrett Doss: When we read the table of this episode, we all lost a bit. It was very moving, but it was also one of the most satisfying ways to end [this storyline]. If we had to put an end to the story, we might as well finish it on a high note or the lowest note you can reach. It was very sad.

How did you prepare with Brett this heartbreaking farewell?
Doss: We only read it once before having it turned – while reading the table – and after that, we talked a lot. I mean, Brett and I have worked so hard together this season and we work very well together. So, it's a gift, but we went there somehow. I should first say this: it was the last scene we shot together. They programmed it at the very end of the day, the last day of filming Brett. It was his last scene. It was our last scene together and it was heartbreaking. So it was really a goodbye. After a season spent working together and enjoying this work, it was actually surprisingly easy to find our way into this really sad space where you lose someone you care about, who will miss you.

So, in fact, it was easier than I thought, but it was still very difficult. But fortunately, we are good partners on the scene and we work well together. It was so difficult, but it was also really fun – one of my favorite scenes to shoot.

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You've had very tight calls in the past, but it's actually the first major death we see in the series. How did you manage the loss of your first actor?
Well, we'll miss Brett a lot. This is an amazing person with whom to work. Even though he was not technically a regular on the playoffs, we all thought of him as one. He has such an attitude and a welcome addition. He was very well received by our team when he arrived last season, but none of us knew who was coming out of the skyscraper at the end of last season. We were therefore looking forward to somebody leaving and we did not know who it was going to be.

Brett and I learned early enough what would happen to him, so we have known for a while, but it is never easy. I mean, you never want to say goodbye to anyone, especially to someone who brings as much to the table as Brett does for our casting. But we knew we were going to make his departure as heartbreaking as possible. So it's a great way out when you know everyone, fans and actors, as well as the team, you will all miss us.

This episode revealed a lot about the relationship between Vic and Ripley, which we did not know as an audience. To what extent do you know about this story?
Doss: It was a surprise. I mean, of course, we had not seen any of these scenes and we did not know what had happened. So sometimes, when that sort of thing came up, like the proposal for example, I thought, "We have not even said to ourselves, 'I love you.'" And, of course, we had. We simply did not see it in the show. It was really fun to fill some of these holes for ourselves. Once we understood where it was going, "Oh man, it's going to be so satisfying." Because you really see how we lay together the first time and you see when we say that I love you for each other for the first time. This fills all the gaps that the fans and us, the actors, wanted to see. Otherwise, we bring our own answers, but it was really great to be able to shoot these scenes, because otherwise, it's in your imagination, in the fans, and it's so nice to realize it.

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I like the closing scene with everyone riding in the fire truck with you. It reminded me that everyone was on the floor with Izzy after Denny's death The anatomy of Gray. Do you feel like Ripley could be the Station 19 Denny Duquette?
Doss: We talked a lot about it. There were things we did, even when we were shooting this scene, this farewell scene, the farewell scene at the hospital where, at the first shots, I went to bed with him . It was so funny, because after that, Stacey McKee, our host, was there and said, she came in and she said, "OK, you can not go to bed. Gray & # 39; s with Denny. "So we had to avoid some pictures also associated with Denny or Meredith and Derek.

Denny was such a – he left such a shadow in the The anatomy of Gray universe and I hope that Ripley will leave the same type of shadow. I think he's going. He certainly made an impression not only on Victoria, but on the whole station and the rest of the department, of course, but on all the characters we know.

What can you say about Hughes' healing process to solve this problem? And in what space of free space will she be at the approach of the final?
Doss: Well, I think of Victoria as a truly autonomous person. Open to love and open up to a risky relationship which she was not quite sure until recently, I think it's going to have a very profound impact on her. I think she's going to have to rely on other people to help her overcome that and it's not something she's used to doing. She is very loyal herself. She would be there for any of her team, but I do not think she wants anyone to be there for her. I think that there will certainly be a process of mourning, which will involve a lot of loathing, and we hope to see the team gather around her as she did at the last minute from the episode.

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Will Montgomery be her main support or will we see someone else confide in her as she passes through that?
Doss: [Montgomery] lost a husband. He lost his husband, who was also a firefighter, so he lived that personally. And I think it certainly offers a level of experience with this type of grief so that it can help it to follow this process. I hope that she will be open to this.

What can you tease about the upcoming finals? I know we will be fighting California wildfires and Patrick Duffy will be there, but what can you say?
Doss: Well, it's a very dangerous situation. None of us, with the exception of Captain Sullivan of course, played by Boris Kodjoe – Captain Sullivan has already witnessed forest fires, but no member of this team has ever fought in a forest fire. So it 's new for everyone and this will definitely put some of us in danger and will raise us to a new challenge because the match is completely different when you are in the middle of it. a lot or you work outside and you are so uncontrollable. Some of our skills may not be as useful as we would like, so it's a risk, and we're all going to be at great risk.

Station 19 aired Thursdays at 9 / 8c on ABC.


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