“Stealth phase” finished? Why Wall Street FOMO Will Make $ 20K Bitcoin Cheap


The year 2020 has sucked for just about everyone. Unless you have Bitcoin (BTC).

The price of Bitcoin has risen 125% since the start of the year, again making it the best performing asset, just as it has been over the past decade.

Oddly enough, the audience seems completely oblivious to this fact. But not everyone is ignoring Bitcoin’s latest rally above $ 16,000. Currently, the price is only 20% of its all-time high.

Wall Street is not here yet

Given Bitcoin’s impressive year, it’s no surprise that Wall Street is now starting to realize that the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency is not going anywhere.

Do you remember 2017? This historic Bitcoin price hike was largely driven by retail traders – the average Joe – who anticipated a rush to Wall Street alongside the frenzy of new tokens minted via initial coin offerings.

At the same time, the CME showcased its cash-settled Bitcoin futures in the height of December 2017 and … pop!

The price of BTC fell sharply in the following months and the hype turned into a multi-year bear market. Media obituaries made the average Joe eat the loss, and many called Bitcoin just another burst bubble.

Google searches for “Bitcoin” to tell pretty much the whole story.

Google Trends searches for “Bitcoin” (2015-2020). Source: Google

But in 2020, Bitcoin’s public research no longer reflects BTC because its price has “decoupled.”

What’s more interesting is that even Wall Street is still largely on the sidelines, suggesting that BTC could be very undervalued at $ 16,000 and with a market cap of $ 297 billion. However, the latest data suggests that this is already starting to change.

“Wall Street is not there yet,” Gemini Exchange co-founder Cameron Winklevoss explained last month. Winklevoss added:

“The institutions are not in Bitcoin at the moment. It’s a retail phenomenon over the past decade. So Wall Street talks about it, they know about Bitcoin, but they’re not really there from our point of view, but it’s starting to happen.

Wealthy zip codes in New York and Silicon Valley drive BTC price

As Cointelegraph reported earlier this month, it is primarily the affluent areas of New York City and Silicon Valley – which are home to many high net worth people – that are most interested in Bitcoin right now.

But while the public is largely unaware, several high net worth investors are announcing BTC as a new asset class. Paul Tudor Jones, Michael Saylor and Stanley Druckenmiller have made waves in 2020, revealing their positions in Bitcoin.

Are they achieving something the public didn’t in 2017? Was the average Joe just too early then?

Jones said investing in BTC is like investing in Apple stock early. Saylor said his company, MicroStrategy, which bought a total of $ 425 million in Bitcoin, will hold it for 100 years, calling it “the world’s best collateral.”

Meanwhile, Druckenmiller, the latest high-profile Bitcoin convert, now claims that “If the gold bet works, the Bitcoin bet will probably work better.”

Together, these smart investors are starting to realize one thing. As Tyler Winklevoss said:

“Bitcoin is better to be gold than gold.”

Gold only rose 23% in 2020 during a year of global economic upheaval when this safe haven metal was supposed to shine (pun intended).

But Bitcoin, or “digital gold,” has stolen the show, gaining 125% year-to-date and up nearly 300% from its coronavirus crash lows in March. Additionally, BTC’s market cap is only 2.36% of gold, which some long-term investors consider the best asymmetric risk-reward bet in history.

People who bought Bitcoin 10 or even five years ago would most likely agree.