Steam Client Beta includes revamped download page, storage management feature


In letter : It looks like Valve is bringing some cool UI updates to the Steam client for Windows, Mac, and Linux, including a revamped download page and updated library with storage management features.

The changes are currently available in the Steam Client Beta program, which you can join by clicking on “Steam” in the upper left corner of the client, followed by “Settings” and “Account”. From there, click on the Beta Participation drop-down menu and select Steam Beta Update.

The game download page has the most changes. The entire queue can now be easily rearranged by dragging and dropping, and Steam shows the total download progress, including the disk allocation process. “Previously, the progress bar only showed the progress of the content download, but not the disk allocation process, so an update appeared to be complete when it was not,” writes the company.

Downloads now include icons next to a game’s title indicating the type of content included in the update: in-game content, downloadable content, workshop content, and shader pre-caching. This icon only appears if the update is not just for game content. There is also a “Show News” button that automatically displays the latest patch notes if the game developer has entered them, as well. than a “Clear All” button to keep things clean.

Another big change has taken place with Steam Library folders. Not only can you now quickly see where your games are installed, but you can also easily move them between players. It can be accessed by going to Settings, Downloads, then Steam Library Folders.

There are a few more updates, including reduced CPU usage of Steam Input and support for the current Xbox Series X PowerA controller set. Valve has posted the full list here. No word on when they roll out to the public Steam client. Instructions for accessing the new beta version of the Steam client can be found here.


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