Steam Link Anywhere Beta Propels PC Game Streaming on the Road


Currently in beta, Steam Link Anywhere is available on abandoned Steam Link hardware or via the Steam Link app. Once installed, the application essentially puts your game library at your disposal wherever you are. This means that you can broadcast your favorite games from your main computer to another computer, Android device or Android TV set-top box. (Apple still blocks the Steam app, so you will not be able to play games on iOS or Apple TV yet.) Previously, the app only worked at the user's home on computers connected to the same network.

The only requirements for Steam Link Anywhere to work, apart from installing the application on your home and remote computer, are good download speed from your host computer and a strong network connection for the device on which you are playing.

Steam Link Anywhere, available in the 688 beta of the Steam Link app, comes just before GDC 2019, where a number of competitors should introduce similar technology. Google announced a major video game announcement on March 19, which is supposed to be a cloud-based streaming service using the company's Project Stream technology. Microsoft has also been working on its own streaming game platform called Project xCloud and recently demonstrated technology in action. If the rush of the three major players on the market is an indication, we should soon have several choices for a "Netflix of Gaming" style service.


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