Steam Link app from Valve finally available for iOS and Apple TV


Valve's Steam Link app is now available on iOS and Apple TV devices, almost a year after it was rejected by Apple because of "business conflicts." Steam Link allows you to transmit your existing PC game library to other devices on the same network; the application replaces Valve for a streaming box with the same name and dropped now.

The news comes just days after the Supreme Court ruled that Apple was facing an antitrust lawsuit related to alleged monopoly practices on the App Store. It should be noted however that the new iOS Steam Link app does not allow users to buy games on the Steam store, unlike Android.

Forbidding an app that was streaming games already purchased on another platform seemed hard to justify, even under Apple's App Store rules, especially after these rules were updated for apps remotely mirroring last summer. However, in June, Valve removed the store feature from Steam Link Beta. Therefore, it is unclear why Apple took so long to approve the application.


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